Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ring sling vs. Hotslings pouches

When I was pregnant I heard plenty about Maya Wraps, a ring sling that is reminiscent of traditional baby-wearing... or so I thought. After my daughter was born I bought a Maya Wrap and used it maybe half a dozen times in the 9 months or so that I've owned it. It isn't a difficult contraption to figure out, but the rings are uncomfortable on my small frame and I couldn't seem to ever get the layers of material positioned in the correct proportions. Eventually I just gave up. Then a couple weeks ago I was at my local Target and came across a Hotslings pouch. It is much simpler than the ring sling and incredibly easy to use. I brought it with me for a family trip to San Francisco where we did a lot of walking and didn't want to always use the umbrella stroller. My partner brought the Baby Bjourn, his favorite carrier, and we both ended up with miserable back pain carrying our 22 pound baby around in it. So, with a little hesitation, I decided to try out my new pouch carrier. Within an half hour my daughter was asleep on my chest. I could walk around hands free while holding my daughter safetly to my chest, adjusting the material for comfort with one hand. It was so comfortable and easy to use that I even use it around the house when Madilyn just wants to be held and I want to try getting other things done too. Because it is a very simple piece of material, it is easy to fold up and throw in your purse or diaper bag and takes up about as much room as a folded receicing blanket.

So bottom line, I'm adding a Hotsling pouch to the "Must Have" list for new mothers in the twenty-first century.